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Architectural design services

Achieving beauty and functionality in every detail of buildings

Architectural design is the process of creating built spaces that combine beauty and functionality.

These services include many steps and tasks that seek to transform ideas and visions into tangible and inspiring designs.

Requirements analysis

في هذه المرحلة، يتم فهم احتياجات العميل ومتطلبات المشروع. يشمل ذلك تحديد الغرض من المبنى، والميزانية المتاحة، والمساحة المطلوبة، والأسلوب المعماري المفضل.

Concept design:

بناءً على المتطلبات، يبدأ المصممون في وضع مفهوم أساسي للمشروع. يتضمن هذا الخطوة الأفكار الرئيسية والتوزيع المكاني للمساحات والتصور العام للمبنى.

Design development:

The basic concept is developed into a detailed design that includes details of spaces, materials used, structures, and aesthetic details.

Facade and landscape design:

This includes an important part of architectural design services where the exterior facades of the building are designed in a way that combines beauty and functionality, as well as the design of the surrounding landscape.

Implementation of technical drawings:

Detailed drawings and plans are prepared that accurately illustrate the building design, including dimensions, locations, materials, and structural details

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