Electrical design

Design electrical engineering
It is the process of developing and planning electrical and electronic systems and devices.
This process covers many areas from the design of electrical wires, cables and circuits to the design of large power systems and industrial automation
Electrical circuit design:
It involves designing electrical circuits for various applications such as household appliances, electronic devices, and industrial equipment.
This includes selecting appropriate components, drawing circuits, and determining component values.
Lighting systems design:
Includes designing lighting systems for buildings and facilities. This is intended to provide comfortable and energy efficient lighting.
Design of automatic control systems:
Includes design of automatic control systems, robotics and industrial automation. This aims to improve the efficiency of manufacturing and production processes.


Communication systems design:
It includes the design of telecommunications systems, including telephones, the Internet, and audio and video systems.
Design of renewable energy systems:
It involves designing electricity generation systems using renewable sources such as solar and wind energy. This aims to provide clean and sustainable energy.


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